(defgroup replace-multi-pairs nil "Replace multiple pairs of strings." :group 'editing) (defcustom replace-multi-pairs-alist '( ;; default pairs ("default" ("[ \t]+$" "" t)) ;; Text to XML, HTML. ;; Similar to M-x sgml-quote ("html-quote" ("&" "&") ("<" "<") (">" ">") ("'" "'") ("\"" """)) ;; XML, HTML to Text. ;; Similar to C-u M-x sgml-quote ("html-unquote" ("<" "<") (">" ">") ("'" "'") (""" "\"") (" " " ") ("&" "&")) ;; <br /> ("br" ("\n" "<br />\n")) ;; Flush blank lines. ;; Similar to M-x delete-blank-lines (C-x C-o) ("no-blank" ("^[ \t]*\n" "" t)) ;; Delete spaces and tabs at the end of line. ;; Similar to M-x delete-trailing-whitespace ("no-trailing" ("[ \t]+$" "" t)) ;; Delete indentations. ;; Same as C-u 0 M-x indent-region (C-M-\) ("no-indent" ("^[ \t]+" "" t)) ;; Delete line breaks. Like M-x join-line ;; ) ;; ) ;; ) ;; --> ;; ))) ("no-break" ("[ \t]*\n[ \t]*" "" t)) ;; Replace consecutive spaces and tabs with just one space. ;; Similar to M-x just-one-space (M-SPC) ("one-space" ("[ \t]+" " " t)) ;; Extract URLs and delete other lines. For HTML source, etc. ("url" ("^" " " t) ("\\([^h]\\)ttp\\(s?\\)://" "\\1http\\2://" t) ("\\([^ft]\\)tp\\(s?\\)://" "\\1http\\2://" t) ("h?[ft]tps?://[-_.!~*'()a-zA-Z0-9;/?:@&=+$,%#]+" "\n\\&\n " t) ("^hftp" " " t) ("^ .*$" "" t) ("^\n" "" t) ("'$" "" t)) ; not correct. for HTML source ;; \ -> \\ and " -> \" ("quote-string" ("\\\\\\|\"" "\\\\\\&" t)) ;; \" -> " and \\ -> \ ("unquote-string" ("\\\"" "\"") ("\\\\" "\\")) ;; a "b" \c -> "a \"b\" \\c\n" ("quote-lines" ("\\\\\\|\"" "\\\\\\&" t) (".*" "\"\\&\\\\n\"" t)) ;; "0001: " ;; "0002: " ;; "0003: " ("number-lines" ("^" "\\,(format \"%04d: \" (1+ \\#))" t)) ;; M-: (regexp-quote "") ("regexp-quote" (".+" "\\,(regexp-quote \\&)" t)) ;; 全角英数のみ半角に ;; C-u C-x japanese-hankaku-region では ー が - に変換される ("hankaku" ("\\cA" "\\,(japanese-hankaku \\& t)" t))) "Alist of pairs of search string and replacement. Each element looks like: \(KEY (SEARCH-STRING REPLACEMENT REGEXP-FLAG DELIMITED-FLAG) ...) KEY is a string which is a name of pairs. SEARCH-STRING and REPLACEMENT are strings as described in `replace-string' and `replace-regexp'. REPLACEMENT may contain `\\,' followed by a Lisp expression and some other letters that `replace-regexp' accepts in interactive calls. When REGEXP-FLAG is non-nil, SEARCH-STRING and REPLACEMENT are treated as regexp. DELIMITED-FLAG is as in `replace-string' and `replace-regexp'." :type '(alist :key-type (string :tag "Key") :value-type (repeat :tag "Pairs of search string and replacement" (group (string :tag "Search string") (string :tag "Replacement") (boolean :tag "Regexp flag") (boolean :tag "Delimited flag")))) :group 'replace-multi-pairs) (defcustom replace-multi-pairs-require-prefix nil "Non-nil means prompt for key with \\[universal-argument]. If nil, always prompt unless \\[universal-argument] is given. Without prompt, the first element of `replace-multi-pairs-alist' is used as key." :type 'boolean :group 'replace-multi-pairs) (defvar replace-multi-pairs-history nil "History list for `replace-multi-pairs'.") (defun replace-multi-pairs-count () (let ((message (current-message))) (if (and message (string-match "^Replaced \\([0-9]+\\) " message)) (string-to-number (match-string 1 message)) 0))) (defun replace-multi-pairs-1 (beg end key) "Perform replacement starting from BEG to END using KEY. Return the total number of replaced occurrences." (let ((limit (copy-marker (max beg end))) (count 0) (orig-push-mark (symbol-function 'push-mark)) (orig-undo-boundary (symbol-function 'undo-boundary)) (orig-deactivate-mark (symbol-function 'deactivate-mark))) (fset 'push-mark (symbol-function 'ignore)) (fset 'undo-boundary (symbol-function 'ignore)) (fset 'deactivate-mark (symbol-function 'ignore)) (unwind-protect (dolist (args (cdr (assoc key replace-multi-pairs-alist)) count) (unless args (error "Bad key: %s" key)) (perform-replace (nth 0 args) (query-replace-compile-replacement (nth 1 args) (nth 2 args)) nil (nth 2 args) (nth 3 args) nil nil (min beg end) limit) (setq count (+ count (replace-multi-pairs-count)))) (fset 'push-mark orig-push-mark) (fset 'undo-boundary orig-undo-boundary) (fset 'deactivate-mark orig-deactivate-mark)))) (defun replace-multi-pairs-read () (let ((completion-ignore-case t) (default (or (car replace-multi-pairs-history) (caar replace-multi-pairs-alist)))) (completing-read (format "Which regexp? (default %s): " default) replace-multi-pairs-alist nil t nil 'replace-multi-pairs-history default))) (defun replace-multi-pairs (beg end &optional key) "Replace text between BEG and END using KEY. KEY is one of keys of `replace-multi-pairs-alist', which defines multiple pairs of search string and replacement. In interactive calls, when the region is active, operate on the region; otherwise operate from the current point to the end of the buffer. Prompt for KEY depending on the prefix argument and the value of `replace-multi-pairs-require-prefix'. If KEY is not specified, the first element of `replace-multi-pairs-alist' is used." (interactive (let (beg end key) (barf-if-buffer-read-only) (when (or (and replace-multi-pairs-require-prefix current-prefix-arg) (and (null replace-multi-pairs-require-prefix) (null current-prefix-arg))) (setq key (replace-multi-pairs-read))) (if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active) (setq beg (region-beginning) end (region-end)) (setq beg (point) end (point-max))) (list beg end key))) (let (count) (setq key (or key (caar replace-multi-pairs-alist))) (push-mark) (when (and transient-mark-mode mark-active) (deactivate-mark)) (setq count (replace-multi-pairs-1 beg end key)) (message "Replaced %d occurrence%s in total (%s)" count (if (= 1 count) "" "s") key))) ;; (global-set-key "\C-cr" 'replace-multi-pairs)
動作確認:GNU Emacs 22
M-x replace-multi-pairs RET キー RET
キーはタブで補完が効き、変数 replace-multi-pairs-alist で設定します。
replace-multi-pairs-alist は M-x customize の Editing からでも編集できます。
replace-multi-pairs-alist を直接編集する場合、各要素は以下のような構成になります。
("キー" ("検索文字列1" "置換文字列1" 正規表現フラグ ワード区切りフラグ) ("検索文字列2" "置換文字列2" 正規表現フラグ ワード区切りフラグ) ...)
・検索文字列と置換文字列は replace-regexp, replace-string で使う書式がそのまま使えます。
・正規表現フラグは non-nil ならば、 replace-regexp と同じ動作。nil または省略されたならば、 replace-string。
・ワード区切りフラグは non-nil ならば C-u 付きで replace-regexp, replace-string を実行した時と同じ挙動に。
default と html-quote を設定した例。
(setq replace-multi-pairs-alist '(("default" ("[ \t]+$" "" t)) ("html-quote" ("&" "&") ("<" "<") (">" ">") ("'" "'") ("\"" """))))default は正規表現で行末のスペースとタブを削除。
M-x replace-multi-pairs RET default RET
html-quote は & 等をHTMLタグに一括置換。
M-x replace-multi-pairs RET html-quote RET
replace-multi-pairs-alist の初期値として色々設定してあるので、参考程度にはなるかと思います。
replace-multi-pairs では検索置換する関数として perform-replace を使っています。
perform-replace は query-replace, query-replace-regex, replace-string, replace-regexp の下請け関数です。
Subroutine of `query-replace'. Its complexity handles interactive queries. Don't use this in your own program unless you want to query and set the mark just as `query-replace' does. Instead, write a simple loop like this: (while (re-search-forward "foo[ \t]+bar" nil t) (replace-match "foobar" nil nil)) which will run faster and probably do exactly what you want. Please see the documentation of `replace-match' to find out how to simulate `case-replace'.
要約すると、自作のプログラムからはこの関数を使わずに、 re-search-forward のループを書きなさい、ということ。
しかし、それを承知した上で replace-multi-pairs では perform-replace を使ってます。
理由は replace-regexp の検索文字列と置換文字列の書式がそのまま使えるからです。
例えば行末に foobar と付け加えるためこのようなコマンドを使います。
M-x replace-regexp RET $ RET foobar RET
(while (re-search-forward "$" nil t) (replace-match "foobar" nil nil))
同様に、全角英数を半角英数に変換する場合、 \, を使った Lisp の式を書けますが、
M-x replace-regexp RET \cA RET \,(japanese-hankaku \& t) RET
(while (re-search-forward "\\cA" nil t) (replace-match "\\,(japanese-hankaku \\& t)" nil nil))
ただ perform-replace を使う注意点として、その関数から呼ばれる push-mark, undo-boundary, deactivate-mark の3つの関数は、実行されると不自然な挙動になるので、一時的に ignore に置き換えています。